Monday, April 12, 2010

Friendship and Morality test

So, I want to talk about something that I've pondered on for years, and it has to do with friendship. Here's the context:

There's three friends involved: A, B, and C.

Here's the scenario: Friend C does something to A that A considers really messed up and is hurt by, and now they're not on speaking terms. Friend B then has two options: Not speak to C in solidarity with A, or continue being friends with C because the situation between A and C doesn't concern him.

Now, both options have arguments as to why they're the right thing to do as opposed to the other. Personally, I originally believed that B should side with A because, even if it doesn't concern him, if B knows that C did some wrong to A then the siding with A would communicate to C that B thinks what C did was wrong too and that that's not okay. It would also show a loyalty to A. Furthermore, if B didn't side with A and continued to be friends with C despite how A feels hurt by C, then that to me seems like B doesn't really care about A, or, at least no as much as they care about themselves; like, they'd rather be friends with both still out of their own sake and that to me seems a little selfish. Then the pressure is put on C to make the next move, which would, hopefully, be apologizing to A.

I once proposed this scenario to a friend of mine, and they thought the opposite. They believed that if A asked B to not be friends with C, then A isn't a good friend to ask B to choose friends when it doesn't concern B. Furthermore, because what C did wasn't to B, if B sided with A it would be seen as messed up to C.

But that's kind of why I still think B should side with A; it's similar to the saying "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." Isn't a nobler thing to stand up against wrong doings, especially when it wasn't done to you?

I'm still a little conflicted on what's conclusively the right thing to do though, and am willing to hear why B shouldn't side with A and continue to associate with C. What do you think?

ANNOUNCER: Well, that's all for this entry. I hope you enjoyed the article and your time spent here. We here at no1important studios invite you to come again for another riveting entry. And remember, "Like it? Share it!" This is Jovan signing off, good morning. And, if I don't catch you later, good afternoon, good evening, and good night.


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