Saturday, May 1, 2010

this just in

Normally I wouldn't post anything like this, just because it's a more personal thing and doesn't relate to anything this blog is supposed to be about, but I just thought I'd share this bit of information with you:

I AM A PIMP. I had an essay due today at 12PM. Yesterday at 1PM I started the beginning of a novel, finished it, cranked out a 7 page essay out of my ass and turned it in on time.

I know, I know, I'm cool. Sometimes.

I was going to celebrate by going to this pie shop I've been desperately wanting to go to, but instead I treated myself to my Berkeley food of choice - Pad Thai :) I would eat Pad Thai everyday if it wasn't basically pure carbs.

ANNOUNCER: Well, that's all for this entry. I hope you enjoyed the article and your time spent here. We here at no1important studios invite you to come again for another riveting entry. And remember, "Like it? Share it!" This is Jovan signing off, good morning. And, if I don't catch you later, good afternoon, good evening, and good night.


cue NO1IMPOTANT jingle

Fade to BLACK

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