Monday, May 3, 2010

Mini-blog 5: Pop-Tarts

So this morning, while getting ready to head out the door for class, I was feeling hungry and since I was in a hurry I decided to just toss a Pop-Tart into the toaster and be on my way. I was thinking back to other times I had a Pop-Tart for breakfast and I realized that I always felt dissatisfied and even a bit empty. "Why don't I just cook two of 'em, stack 'em, and eat both of 'em at once? Hurraaayy!" So popped in to, fast forward 60 seconds, and I'm out the door with my Pop-Tart sandwich.

I was so satisfied with myself for my novel idea. Why hadn't I thought of this before?! I exclaimed in my mind. I took my first bite, and it was a full mouthful of strawberry Pop-Tart the likes of which I had never experienced before. I took my second bite, and Wait...ugh....I swallowed it down and took another and Ugh, yeah, I don't like this. This is too much.

As I get to the bus stop and wait, I have about 1/2 of my Pop-Tart sandwich left. I felt a bit determined to just finish it since it was my breakfast, which I rarely ever eat. I could feel the artificial sugary mush in my stomach and what was left of my last bite in my mouth.

I tossed it. lol. So lesson learned: Too much of a good thing is really awesome. Too much of an awesome thing is just really really stupid though.... Though, technically I already learned this lesson back when I was frustrated with the tiny amount of liquid able to pass through my Capri-Sun straw straw. Oh well. Third time's the charm?

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