Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Mini-blog 4: Random Thoughs

Anybody else get that strange shiver when they go pee? I wonder what that is. My physiology teacher from high school thought it could be because the body is reacting to the large amount of warmth leaving the body but, I don't know, it seems like it could be something else too. Any thoughts?

Or how about that muscle twitch/spasm that you can never see or catch in the mirror? Do you know what I'm talking about? Like, for me it occurs mostly when I'm changing clothes. For example, I'll be take off my shirt and without warning my Deltoid muscle will be twitching repeatedly, seemingly on a beat. And when I turn my head to look at head, it stops. Probably most infamous is the butt-cheek-twitch lol (I hope I'm not alone in this!) Ever have that? Where you can feel a butt cheek twitching? It happens to me when I'm changing, and when I try to catch it in the reflection of my mirror, whether very slow and cautiously or immediately, it just dies. Rarely have I ever caught a twitch and been able to watch it spasm out of my control. Some day...

What is it about Chai Tea Latte's that make them taste like Christmas? Know what I'm talkin' bout?

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