Monday, March 8, 2010

Meh, whatever

Well, I guess the time it's taken me to post something just goes to show you how valuable my word is, and how band my discipline and dedication is. I mean, this isn't homework, or work at all, but still I procrastinate and am for some reason unable to post stuff here.

In my last real post I blamed school and my move to Berkeley as the reasons why I hadn't posted anything, but really it was simply a huge dose of procrastination and fear. Initially when I started this blog I wanted to use it as a forum for me to initiate a dialogue, and also post my opinions, on pop culture items and topics and also more important social issues, everything from my opinion on Sony's decision to update the Spider-Man movie franchise to my opinion on California Proposition 8A. But, soon after creating the blog it soon daunted on me the amount of pressure I was creating for myself to compose such pieces. As you've seen from my previous posts "Gift-Giving" and "Why Manny Should Not Fight Mayweather", I give modestly lengthy articles and studies for the topics on which I have something to say, and I like to present them in a form and tone which is slightly more pedantic than casual conversation. Thus, even when writing about things I was hugely interested in and geekish about, it felt like I was writing academic essays, which even as an English Major at Berkeley I find burdensome (though once completed, somewhat cathartic).

I suppose what I'm trying to get to is I've resolved to not let that pressure get to me by deciding to not always try to make such an event out of every piece of writing, and to let my blog spout out more fun features. Hopefully, my word will hold this time and there won't be another two month break between this post and the next :)

Well, that's all for this entry. I hope you enjoyed the article and your time spent here. We here at no1important studios invite you to come again for another riveting entry. And remember, "Like it? Share it!" This is Jovan signing off, good morning. And, if I don't catch you later, good afternoon, good evening, and good night.


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Fade to BLACK

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