Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Forgive Me Nothingness

Damnit, I was hoping this wouldn't happen.

It's been nearly THREE weeks since my last entry and I haven't been focused on sustaining this blog. If it helps, within that time I moved to Berkeley, and started school there; It's my first time back in school after a year-long hiatus so I've been trying to concentrate on that a little, get my priorities straight (not that that's really helping). But, I PROMISE to get back in the saddle this weekend. I have dozens of ideas for articles but can never fully commit to sit down and writing them, maybe in fear of not doing them perfectly (I'm SO anal like that(yes, that was a lousy attempt at being funny because I'm 9 yrs. old and think saying "anal" is hilarious)). So yeah, wait patiently. I plan on writing a ton of articles at once so I can easily put them out at even intervals.

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